P.S. 153 - Maspeth Elementary School Home

A Community that Innovates, Investigates and Discovers.

Give your child the best environment.

Who We Are

Maspeth Elementary School is committed to providing each student an exemplary educational experience promoting high expectations, inspiring a sense of social responsibility while supporting each student’s physical, social and emotional needs.


Principal's Message

Dear Maspeth Elementary School Families, 
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and introduce myself as the principal and “lead learner” at PS 153 Maspeth Elementary School. 
My life was deeply enhanced by my classroom teachers. They provided me with a sound educational foundation, and further, they showed me that education is more than just interacting with letters and numbers - it is about feeling inspired to continue to want to learn more; about the world, about the classroom community, and about one another. Along the way, through these educational inspirations, I also learned what it means to be responsible and respectful - a good citizen of my school and community. It is also what inspired me to enter into the amazing field of education. 
We have worked hard to create an opportune environment for teaching and learning whereby we promote high expectations, inspire social responsibility while supporting each student’s physical, social and emotional needs. Through a shared respect and trust, and our wholistic educational approach, we, as a learning community, are empowering our students to achieve great things! 
I look forward to meeting you and partnering with you during your child’s academic career at Maspeth Elementary. 
Educationally yours, 
David Berkowitz

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